Entomology Part 02 by AGRI Grovestudies


 AGRI Grovestudies 


 Insect body wall is called as Integument or Exoskeleton.

 It is the external covering of the body which is ectodermal in origin. 

The insect integument consisting of……. 

1. The cuticle 

2. The epidermis or hypodermis 

3. The basement membrane 

Function of body wall

  Protection to the organs. 

 Gives shape to insect. 

 Provides surface for attachment of muscles. 

 Conserve moisture and prevent desiccation. 

 Prevent entry of pathogens and insecticides. 

 It forms sense organ. 

 Contains pigment to make insect attractive.  

1. The cuticle

  It is complex non cellular layer. 

 It is outer most thick layer of integument.

  Secreted by epidermis. 

 When newly formed it is flexible and elastic.

2. The Epidermis or Hypodermis

  It is single layer of cells lying below the cuticle.

  Secretes greater part of cuticle and moulting fluid.

3. The basement membrane

  Epidermis resting on basement membrane with the following function. 

 Cuticle secretion 

 Digestion and absorption of old cuticle 

 Wound repairing 

 Gives surface look

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