Different system in IC Engine by AGRI Grovestudies


AGRI Grovestudies 

Different system in ic engine !!

There are different types of systems used in internal combustion engines, depending on their purpose and design. Here are some of the common systems in IC engines:

Fuel Injection System: This system is responsible for delivering fuel to the engine. It can be of two types: carburetor system and electronic fuel injection (EFI) system. Carburetor system mixes fuel with air and sends it to the engine, while EFI system uses an electronic control unit (ECU) to determine the amount of fuel needed and injects it directly into the engine.

Ignition System: The ignition system provides the spark that ignites the fuel-air mixture in the engine. It can be of two types: contact point ignition system and electronic ignition system. Contact point ignition system uses a set of points that open and close to create a spark, while electronic ignition system uses electronic components to generate a spark.

Lubrication System: The lubrication system ensures that the moving parts of the engine are lubricated properly to reduce friction and wear. It can be of two types: splash system and pressure system. Splash system uses the motion of the engine to splash oil onto the moving parts, while pressure system pumps oil to the parts under pressure.

Cooling System: The cooling system regulates the temperature of the engine and prevents it from overheating. It can be of two types: air-cooled system and liquid-cooled system. Air-cooled system uses air to cool the engine, while liquid-cooled system uses a coolant liquid that circulates through the engine and transfers heat to a radiator.

Exhaust System: The exhaust system expels the waste gases from the engine. It can be of two types: open exhaust system and closed exhaust system. Open exhaust system simply directs the exhaust gases out of the engine, while closed exhaust system uses a catalytic converter to reduce emissions and improve air quality.

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