MID 2 : Manure , Fertilizer and soil fertilizer Management Test Solution by AGRI Grovestudies


 Fill the blank 

The process of conversion of organic compound into inorganic compound is

known as ...............


Q - Write on basic slag and use it .

A - Basic slag, also known as Thomas slag, is a byproduct of the steelmaking process. It's produced when limestone or dolomite is added to molten iron during steel production to remove impurities such as sulfur, phosphorus, and silica. The resulting slag, rich in calcium and magnesium compounds, has several agricultural and industrial uses.

### Agricultural Use:

1. **Soil Amendment:**

   - Basic slag is utilized as a soil amendment to improve soil fertility, especially in acidic soils.

   - It helps neutralize soil acidity (pH) and reduce aluminum toxicity, creating more favorable conditions for plant growth.

2. **Source of Nutrients:**

   - Contains essential plant nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

   - Provides slow-release phosphorus over time, promoting healthy root development and flowering in plants.

3. **Crops and Applications:**

   - Used in various agricultural settings, including crop fields, gardens, and orchards.

   - Particularly beneficial for crops like potatoes, brassicas (cabbage, broccoli), and legumes.

### Industrial Use:

1. **Construction and Road Building:**

   - Used as an aggregate in road construction and as a component in concrete and asphalt mixes.

   - Adds strength and durability to construction materials.

2. **Steel Industry:**

   - Recycled and reused within the steel industry for further processing or as a raw material in cement production.

Q - Write on rock phosphate and use it . 

A -  **Rock Phosphate: Overview and Uses**

1. **Definition:** Rock phosphate is a natural mineral mined from phosphate rock deposits, containing phosphorus in various forms, primarily calcium phosphate.

Phosphorus Content:** Typically contains 20-35% P₂O₅, varying based on the source and processing methods.

3. **Agricultural Use:**

   - **Slow-Release Phosphorus:** Acts as a slow-release phosphorus fertilizer, providing a long-term nutrient supply to plants.

   - **Soil Amendment:** Improves soil fertility, especially in acidic soils lacking phosphorus.

   - **Root Development:** Promotes healthy root growth, flowering, and fruiting in plants.

4. **Application Methods:**

   - Can be applied directly to the soil or incorporated into organic fertilizers and blends.

   - Commonly used for perennial crops, fruit trees, and crops with high phosphorus requirements.

5. **Environmental Benefits:**

   - Reduces the reliance on synthetic phosphorus fertilizers, minimizing environmental impacts such as runoff and water pollution.

   - Supports sustainable agriculture practices by utilizing natural mineral resources.

6. **Industrial Use:**

   - Used as a raw material in the production of phosphoric acid, which is further processed into various phosphate-based chemicals, fertilizers, and animal feed supplements.

   - Found in some detergents, ceramics, and specialty products.

7. **Cost-Effectiveness:**

   - Offers a cost-effective option for phosphorus supplementation in agriculture compared to synthetic phosphorus fertilizers.

   - Helps reduce production costs for farmers while enhancing soil fertility.

8. **Compatibility:**

   - Can be combined with other fertilizers, organic matter, or soil conditioners to create customized nutrient blends.

   - Suitable for organic farming practices and sustainable soil management strategies.

Q - Difference between straight and complex fertilizer with example.

A - **Straight Fertilizer vs. Complex Fertilizer: Key Differences**

1. **Definition:**

   - **Straight Fertilizer:** Contains a single nutrient or primary nutrient, such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), or potassium (K), in a relatively high concentration.

   - **Complex Fertilizer:** Contains two or more nutrients, usually the primary nutrients N, P, and K, combined in specific ratios to meet plant nutrient requirements.

2. **Composition:**

   - **Straight Fertilizer:** Examples include urea (N), superphosphate (P), and muriate of potash (K). Each type provides only one nutrient.

   - **Complex Fertilizer:** Examples include NPK blends (containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), such as 10-10-10 (equal parts of N, P₂O₅, K₂O), or specialty blends like 12-24-12 (high in phosphorus for root development).

3. **Nutrient Content:**

   - **Straight Fertilizer:** High concentration of a single nutrient. For instance, superphosphate typically contains 16-20% P₂O₅ (phosphorus).

   - **Complex Fertilizer:** Contains multiple nutrients in balanced or customized proportions. For example, a 10-10-10 NPK fertilizer has equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

4. **Nutrient Release:**

   - **Straight Fertilizer:** Provides immediate availability of the specific nutrient it contains. For instance, urea releases nitrogen quickly after application.

   - **Complex Fertilizer:** Provides a balanced release of multiple nutrients over time. Different nutrient components may have varying release rates depending on their chemical nature and formulation.

5. **Application and Use:**

   - **Straight Fertilizer:** Used to address specific nutrient deficiencies in soils or crops. Applied alone or in combination with other fertilizers to meet specific nutrient requirements.

   - **Complex Fertilizer:** Provides a broader spectrum of nutrients in one application, suitable for general soil fertility improvement and balanced plant nutrition. Often used as a complete fertilizer for various crops.

6. **Cost and Efficiency:**

   - **Straight Fertilizer:** Generally more cost-effective per unit of nutrient since it contains a higher concentration of a single nutrient.

   - **Complex Fertilizer:** May be more expensive but offers convenience and efficiency by supplying multiple nutrients simultaneously, reducing the need for separate applications.

7. **Examples:**

   - **Straight Fertilizer:** Urea (46% nitrogen), superphosphate (16-20% phosphorus), muriate of potash (60-62% potassium).

   - **Complex Fertilizer:** NPK blends like 10-10-10 (10% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus, 10% potassium), 12-24-12 (12% nitrogen, 24% phosphorus, 12% potassium), and specialty blends for specific crops or growth stages.

D. What is chelate and gives the name of chelating agent.

A -  A chelate is a chemical compound in which a central metal ion is bonded to a surrounding organic molecule or ligand through multiple coordinate covalent bonds. This complex formation increases the stability and solubility of the metal ion, making it more available for plant uptake and utilization.

Chelating agents used in manure and fertilizer formulations include:

1. **EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid):**

   - EDTA is a commonly used synthetic chelating agent in fertilizers and soil amendments.

   - It forms stable complexes with various metal ions, including essential nutrients like iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu).

   - EDTA chelates help prevent nutrient deficiencies by keeping the nutrients in a soluble and available form for plant uptake.

2. **DTPA (Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid):**

   - DTPA is another synthetic chelating agent used in fertilizers and soil treatments.

   - It is effective in chelating micronutrients like iron, manganese, zinc, and copper, enhancing their availability to plants in alkaline soils where nutrient uptake may be limited.

3. **EDDHA (Ethylenediamine-N,N'-bis(2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid)):**

   - EDDHA is a chelating agent specifically used for iron chelation in alkaline and calcareous soils.

   - It forms stable chelates with iron, preventing iron deficiency chlorosis in crops growing in high-pH soils.

Q - Write the all micronutrients fertilizer name.

A - Micronutrients are essential elements required by plants in small quantities but are critical for various biochemical processes and plant growth. Here are the names of fertilizers containing micronutrients:

1. **Boron (B):**
   - Borax (Sodium borate) fertilizer
   - Boric acid fertilizer

2. **Copper (Cu):**
   - Copper sulfate fertilizer
   - Copper chelate fertilizer (e.g., copper EDTA, copper DTPA)

3. **Iron (Fe):**
   - Iron sulfate fertilizer
   - Iron chelate fertilizer (e.g., iron EDTA, iron DTPA, iron EDDHA)

4. **Manganese (Mn):**
   - Manganese sulfate fertilizer
   - Manganese chelate fertilizer (e.g., manganese EDTA, manganese DTPA)

5. **Molybdenum (Mo):**
   - Ammonium molybdate fertilizer
   - Sodium molybdate fertilizer

6. **Zinc (Zn):**
   - Zinc sulfate fertilizer
   - Zinc chelate fertilizer (e.g., zinc EDTA, zinc DTPA)

Q - Write on liming material and their name.

A - Liming materials are substances used to raise the pH of acidic soils, improving soil fertility and making essential nutrients more available to plants. Here are common liming materials along with their names:

1. **Calcium Carbonate (CaCO₃):**

   - **Calcitic Limestone:** Contains predominantly calcium carbonate.

   - **Dolomitic Limestone:** Contains both calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate.

2. **Calcium Magnesium Carbonate (CaMg(CO₃)₂):**

   - **Dolomite:** Naturally occurring mineral containing calcium and magnesium carbonates in varying proportions.

3. **Hydrated Lime (Calcium Hydroxide - Ca(OH)₂):**

   - **Slaked Lime:** Produced by adding water to quicklime (calcium oxide) to form calcium hydroxide.

4. **Quicklime (Calcium Oxide - CaO):**

   - **Burnt Lime:** Produced by heating limestone or chalk to high temperatures, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide and the formation of calcium oxide.

5. **Marl:**

   - **Marly Limestone:** Contains a mixture of calcium carbonate, clay, and organic matter, often used in agricultural liming.

6. **Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate - CaSO₄·2H₂O):**

   - Although not a liming material, gypsum is sometimes used to improve soil structure and reduce soil acidity in certain conditions.


3A Manufacturing process of triple super phosphate (TSP), physical properties and uses.

A - ### Manufacturing Process of Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)

Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) is produced through a chemical reaction involving phosphate rock and phosphoric acid. The manufacturing process involves several key steps:

1. **Phosphate Rock Grinding:** The raw material, phosphate rock, is finely ground into particles to increase surface area and facilitate reaction.

2. **Phosphoric Acid Production:** Phosphoric acid (H₃PO₄) is produced by reacting sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄) with phosphate rock. The reaction generates calcium sulfate (gypsum) as a byproduct.

\[ \text{Ca}_3(\text{PO}_4)_2 + 2\text{H}_2\text{SO}_4 \rightarrow \text{CaSO}_4 + 2\text{H}_3\text{PO}_4 \]

3. **Reacting Phosphoric Acid with Phosphate Rock:** The phosphoric acid produced is then reacted with more phosphate rock to form Triple Super Phosphate.

\[ \text{Ca(H}_2\text{PO}_4)_2 + \text{H}_2\text{O} \rightarrow \text{Ca(H}_2\text{PO}_4)_2\text{H}_2\text{O} \] (Triple Super Phosphate)

4. **Drying and Granulation:** The resulting Triple Super Phosphate is dried to remove excess moisture and then granulated to produce uniform-sized particles suitable for agricultural application.

### Physical Properties of Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)

- **Appearance:** Typically granular or powdered form.

- **Color:** Off-white to light gray.

- **Granule Size:** Varies based on production methods, usually in the range of 1-4 mm.

- **Solubility:** Moderately soluble in water, releasing phosphorus gradually over time.

- **Density:** Around 1.5-1.6 g/cm³.

- **pH:** Generally acidic due to the presence of phosphoric acid.

### Uses of Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)

1. **Fertilizer Application:**

   - TSP is a highly concentrated phosphorus fertilizer with a phosphorus content of around 44-46% P₂O₅.

   - Used to provide essential phosphorus for plant growth, root development, and flowering.

   - Suitable for various crops, especially those with high phosphorus requirements like fruits, vegetables, and flowering plants.

2. **Soil Amendment:**

   - Helps improve soil fertility and phosphorus levels in deficient soils.

   - Enhances nutrient availability and uptake by plants, promoting healthy growth and higher yields.

3. **Starter Fertilizer:**

   - Often used as a starter fertilizer during crop establishment to provide an initial boost of phosphorus for young plants.

4. **Compatibility:**

   - Can be blended with other fertilizers, soil conditioners, or micronutrients to create customized nutrient mixes for specific crop needs.

5. **Industrial Applications:**

   - TSP is also used in some industrial processes, such as in the production of animal feed supplements and certain chemicals.

B Manufacturing of diamonium phosphate(DAP) and it's properties.

A -  ### Manufacturing Process of Diammonium Phosphate (DAP)

Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) is a widely used fertilizer produced through a reaction between ammonia (NH₃) and phosphoric acid (H₃PO₄). The manufacturing process involves the following steps:

1. **Production of Phosphoric Acid:**

   - Phosphoric acid is typically produced through the wet process, which involves reacting phosphate rock with sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄) to produce phosphoric acid and calcium sulfate (gypsum) as a byproduct.

2. **Reaction with Ammonia:**

   - Phosphoric acid is then reacted with ammonia (NH₃) in a controlled environment to form Diammonium Phosphate (DAP).

   - The chemical equation for this reaction is:

     \[ \text{H}_3\text{PO}_4 + 2\text{NH}_3 \rightarrow \text{(NH}_4\text{)}_2\text{HPO}_4 \]

3. **Granulation and Drying:**

   - The resulting DAP solution is sprayed into a granulation drum, where it solidifies into granules due to the cooling and drying process.

   - The granules are then dried further to remove excess moisture and improve storage stability.

4. **Screening and Packaging:**

   - The dried DAP granules are screened to ensure uniform size distribution.

   - The final product is then packaged in bags or bulk containers for distribution and use as a fertilizer.

### Properties of Diammonium Phosphate (DAP)

1. **Chemical Formula:** (NH₄)₂HPO₄

2. **Phosphorus Content:** Typically contains around 46% P₂O₅, making it a high-phosphorus fertilizer.

3. **Nitrogen Content:** Contains approximately 18-21% nitrogen (N), derived from the ammonia used in its production.

4. **Appearance:** Granular form, usually white or off-white in color.

5. **Solubility:** Highly soluble in water, providing readily available phosphorus and nitrogen for plant uptake.

6. **pH:** Typically acidic due to the presence of phosphoric acid.

7. **Density:** Varies based on granule size and compaction.

8. **Hygroscopicity:** Has a tendency to absorb moisture from the air, requiring proper storage conditions to prevent caking.

### Uses of Diammonium Phosphate (DAP)

1. **Fertilizer Application:**

   - DAP is widely used as a source of phosphorus and nitrogen in agriculture.

   - Provides essential nutrients for plant growth, root development, flowering, and fruiting.

   - Suitable for various crops, including cereals, oilseeds, vegetables, and fruits.

2. **Starter Fertilizer:**

   - Often used as a starter fertilizer to promote early plant growth and vigor, especially for young crops.

3. **Custom Blends:**

   - Can be blended with other fertilizers, micronutrients, or soil amendments to create customized nutrient mixes tailored to specific crop requirements and soil conditions.

4. **Industrial Applications:**

   - DAP is also used in some industrial processes, such as in fire extinguishing agents and food additives.

A Manufacturing process of Murat of potash (MOP), by crystallization process and uses.

B Write about fertilizer control order in details

a - The Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) is a regulatory framework established by the Government of India under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, to ensure the quality, availability, and affordability of fertilizers in the country. The FCO governs various aspects related to the production, distribution, labeling, pricing, and quality control of fertilizers. Here are the key details about the Fertilizer Control Order:

### Objectives of FCO:

1. **Quality Control:** Ensure that fertilizers meet specified quality standards to benefit farmers and improve agricultural productivity.

2. **Availability:** Regulate the production, import, distribution, and sale of fertilizers to ensure their timely availability to farmers.

3. **Affordability:** Monitor fertilizer prices and promote fair pricing practices to make fertilizers accessible and affordable for farmers.

4. **Consumer Protection:** Safeguard the interests of farmers and consumers by enforcing regulations related to fertilizer labeling, packaging, and quality assurance.

### Key Provisions of FCO:

1. **Product Registration:** Fertilizer manufacturers must register their products with the concerned authority, providing details such as product composition, nutrient content, labeling information, etc.

2. **Labeling Requirements:** Fertilizer packaging must include essential information such as product name, brand, manufacturer's details, nutrient content (NPK), fertilizer grade, batch number, date of manufacture, instructions for use, etc.

3. **Quality Standards:** FCO specifies the minimum quality standards for different types of fertilizers, including nutrient content, physical characteristics, impurities limits, etc. These standards ensure that fertilizers meet established agronomic requirements.

4. **Pricing Control:** The government may regulate the maximum retail price (MRP) of fertilizers to prevent unfair pricing practices and ensure affordability for farmers. Subsidized pricing mechanisms may also be implemented to make fertilizers more accessible.

5. **Sampling and Testing:** Fertilizer samples are regularly collected from manufacturers, distributors, and retailers for quality testing to ensure compliance with prescribed standards. Non-compliant products may face penalties or regulatory actions.

6. **Import and Export Regulations:** FCO governs the import and export of fertilizers, including licensing requirements, quality checks for imported products, customs duties, etc.

7. **Packaging and Storage:** Fertilizers must be packed and stored in suitable containers and facilities to prevent contamination, degradation, or deterioration of product quality.

8. **Compliance and Enforcement:** Regulatory authorities enforce FCO provisions through inspections, audits, and penalties for violations. They also conduct awareness programs and training for stakeholders to promote compliance.

### Impact and Benefits:

1. **Quality Assurance:** Ensures that farmers receive high-quality fertilizers that meet agronomic requirements and contribute effectively to crop productivity.

2. **Market Stability:** Prevents market distortions, hoarding, black marketing, and price fluctuations, promoting stability in the fertilizer market.

3. **Consumer Confidence:** Builds trust among farmers and consumers regarding the quality, safety, and reliability of fertilizers available in the market.

4. **Sustainable Agriculture:** Encourages the use of balanced and appropriate fertilizers, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and environmental protection.

5A -  1 ha of rice field required 160 kg nitrogen, 120 kg phosphorus and 90 kg potash. The nutrient given by Urea, Diamonium phosphate and murrate of potash. Calculate the amount of urea. Diamonium phosphate and murrate of potash without using conversion factor.

A - To calculate the amount of Urea, Diammonium phosphate (DAP), and Muriate of Potash (MOP) required for 1 hectare (ha) of rice field without using conversion factors, we can use the nutrient content provided for each fertilizer.


- 1 ha of rice field requires:

  - 160 kg nitrogen (N)

  - 120 kg phosphorus (P)

  - 90 kg potash (K)

Nutrient Content (per 100 kg):

- Urea (N): 46 kg N

- Diammonium phosphate (DAP): 18 kg P₂O₅ (phosphorus)

- Muriate of Potash (MOP): 60 kg K₂O (potash)

### Calculations:

1. **Urea (N):**

   - Since Urea contains 46% nitrogen (N) per 100 kg, we need to find out how much Urea is required to provide 160 kg of N.

   - Amount of Urea = (160 kg N) / (46 kg N per 100 kg Urea)

   - Amount of Urea = 160 / 0.46 ≈ 347.83 kg

2. **Diammonium phosphate (DAP) (P₂O₅):**

   - Since DAP contains 18% phosphorus (P₂O₅) per 100 kg, we need to find out how much DAP is required to provide 120 kg of phosphorus.

   - Amount of DAP = (120 kg P₂O₅) / (18 kg P₂O₅ per 100 kg DAP)

   - Amount of DAP = 120 / 0.18 ≈ 666.67 kg

3. **Muriate of Potash (MOP) (K₂O):**

   - Since MOP contains 60% potash (K₂O) per 100 kg, we need to find out how much MOP is required to provide 90 kg of potash.

   - Amount of MOP = (90 kg K₂O) / (60 kg K₂O per 100 kg MOP)

   - Amount of MOP = 90 / 0.60 ≈ 150 kg

### Summary:

- Urea required: Approximately 347.83 kg

- Diammonium phosphate (DAP) required: Approximately 666.67 kg

- Muriate of Potash (MOP) required: Approximately 150 kg

BA --   farmer using NPK fertilizer in his field, their grade is 13:10:27. The required dose of 5 nitrogen is 70 kg. phosphorus is 80kg and potash is 55kg. Calculate the remaining amount of fertilizer if they using Urea, Double super phosphate and murrate of potash.

a - Given:

- NPK fertilizer grade: 13:10:27

- Required doses:

  - Nitrogen (N): 70 kg

  - Phosphorus (P): 80 kg

  - Potash (K): 55 kg

Now let's calculate the amounts of Urea, Double Super Phosphate (DSP), and Muriate of Potash (MOP) needed to meet the required doses:

1. **Urea (N):**

   - Urea contains 46% nitrogen (N) per 100 kg.

   - Amount of Urea required = (70 kg N) / (46 kg N per 100 kg Urea)

   - Amount of Urea required = 70 / 0.46 ≈ 152.17 kg

2. **Double Super Phosphate (DSP) (P):**

   - DSP contains 20% phosphorus (P) per 100 kg.

   - Amount of DSP required = (80 kg P) / (20 kg P per 100 kg DSP)

   - Amount of DSP required = 80 / 0.20 = 400 kg

3. **Muriate of Potash (MOP) (K):**

   - MOP contains 60% potash (K) per 100 kg.

   - Amount of MOP required = (55 kg K) / (60 kg K per 100 kg MOP)

   - Amount of MOP required = 55 / 0.60 ≈ 91.67 kg

### Summary:

- Amount of Urea required: Approximately 152.17 kg

- Amount of Double Super Phosphate (DSP) required: 400 kg

- Amount of Muriate of Potash (MOP) required: Approximately 91.67 kg

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