Cell Cycle , Mitotic and Meiosis cell Division in Genetics


 AGRI Grovestudies 

Cell Cycle 

Cell cycle is referred to the series of events that takes place in a cell, resulting in dublication of DNA and division of cytoplasm & organalls to produce two daughter cells. 

The four important stages of cell cycle include :- 
  1. Interphase 
  2. Prophase 
  3. Metaphase 
  4. Anaphase 
  5. telophase 
  6. Cytokinasis 

Interphase - 

i.  G1 Phase ( Post Mitotic Division) :- 

The cell prepares for DNA , RNA and protein synthesis. 

ii.  S Phase ( Synthetic phase ) - 

The duplication of DNA and centriole takes place in this phase. 

iii. G2 phase ( Pre Mitotic phase) - 

The synthesis of the spindle fiber takes place in this place. 

Mitosis ( Mitotic Phase) - 

Mitosis is the phase of the cell where the nucleus of the cell is divided into two nuclei with an equal amount of genetic material in both the daughter nuclei. 
Mitosis is essential for the growth of the cells & the replacement of the worn out. Abnormalities , during mitosis may alter to the DNA, and resulting in genetic disorder. 

stages of Mitosis :- 

  1. Prophase 
  2. Metaphase 
  3. Anaphase 
  4. Telophase 
  5. Cytokinasis 

Prophase - 

It is the longest phase. During the phase of chromatin in organised into distinct chromosome by coiling or sprilization. 
- The centriole develop and move to the opposite pole of the cell to establish the plane of the cell division. 
- Spindle apparatus begins to appear. 
- Nucleolous and Nuclear Membrane begin to disappers. 


- Spindle fiber completely formed. 
- Chromosome become short and thick with two distinct chromatid cells. 
- All the chromosome move towards the centromere of the cell. 
- Chromosome are attached to spindle fibers at their centromere. 

Anaphase - 

- The centromere of the all chromosome undergo longitudinal splitting & the chromatids of each chromosome separate to form daughter chromosome. 
- The daughter chromosome move towards the opposite poles from the equator by the activity of spindle fiber. 

Telophase - 

- during this, the daughter chromosomes reach the opposite poles. 
- The chromosome undergo to form, thin thread like structure called chromatin. 

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