What is Shifting cultivation / land rotation / Jhumming / Slash & burn ?





What is Shifting cultivation / land rotation / Jhumming / Slash & burn ?






Shifting cultivation / land rotation / Jhumming


Shifting cultivation also known as Slash and burn agriculture or swidden farming is an agricultural practices that involves clearing land , cultivating crops for a few years, and then moving to a new plot of land once the soil fertility declines. The cleared land is typically burned to provide nutrients to the soil before planting crops.

Here same crop is grown year after year. In this case land is rotated but crop is fixed. Therefore it amy also be called land rotation.

It is also called as the Jhum Cultivation.

It causes soil erosion.

Mostly practiced in the northeastern states of India, Chottanagpur pleatau of Jharkhand, M.P. and Hilly areas.

Crop Rotation is a practice in agriculture that involves systematically changing the types of crops grown on a piece of land is over a specific period of time. It is an ancient and widely used technique that offers numerous benefits to both the soil and the overall health and productivity of the farm.

The primary goal of crop rotation is to improve soil fertility, control pests and diseases , and reduces the reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Here are some key aspects and benefits of crop rotation :

Soil fertility , Pest and disease management , weed control , soil structure , nutrient management , Diversification.


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