Methods of sexual reproduction by AGRI GROVESTUDIES


 Methods of sexual reproduction 

The following are the five methods, which the fungi employ to bring the compatible nuclei together for fusion. 

1. Planogametic copulation 

2.Gametangial contact (Gametangy) 

3. Gametangial copulation (Gametangiogamy) 

4. Spermatization 

5. Somatogamy

1. Planogametic copulation or conjugation 

A planogamate is a motile gamete or sex cell. The fusion of two gametes, one or both of which are motile is called planogametic copulation. 

This type of sexual reproduction is common in aquatic fungi. 

There are three different types of planogametic copulation. Eg. Allomyces.

a. Isogamy: 

In this type morphologically similar but compatible type of mating type of gametes unite to form a motile zygote. e.g. Synchytrium.

b. Anisogamy: 

It involves union of one larger gamete with another smaller gamete. The resultant zygote is motile.

c. Heterogamy:

 In this type, a non-motile female gamete (oosphere) is fertilized by a motile male gamete.

2. Gametangial contact 

In this method the male gamete (antheridium) and the female gamete (oogonium) come in contact and one or more nuclei from the male gamete enter the female gamete, oogonium dissolved in the intervening wall through a pore or through a fertilization tube.

Like Pythium, Albugo (oomycetes).

3. Gametangial copulation: 

This is a process of fusion of entire contents of the two mating gametangia. 

There are two types. a. Mixing of entire protoplasm of male and female gametangia Two gametangia meet and their entire contents fuse in the female gametangium leading to formation of a zygote.

e.g. Aquatic fungi (Chytridiomycetes).

b. Isogamous copulation 

This results in the formation of zygospore. e.g. Mucor, Rhizopus.

4. Spermatization 

 Some fungi like rusts bear numerous minute, non-motile uninucleate, male cells called spermatia. Eg. Puccinia.
 Spermatia are produced in spiral receptacles called spermagonia.
 A pore develops at the point of contact and the contents of spermatium pass into the particular respective hyphae. 
 This results in plasmogamy

5. Somatogamy
 In somatogamy no sex organs are produced and somatic cells function as gametes somatogamy (Gr. soma = body + gamos = marriage, union) hyphae anastomose and the nuclei of opposite matting type are brought together in one cell.

 Eg. Agaricus.

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