Grafting Technique Used in Agricultural Field 11/02/2023 by AGRI Grovestudies



Grafting: Horticultural Technique 11/02/2023

Grafting is a horticultural technique used to join two or more plants together so that they grow as a single unit. The upper part of the plant, called the scion, is attached to the root system of another plant, called the rootstock. The goal of grafting is to combine the desirable characteristics of both the scion and the rootstock to create a new plant with improved traits.

Grafting is commonly used in fruit tree production to improve the quality and yield of the fruit, increase the tree's resistance to pests and diseases, and allow for easier propagation of desirable varieties. It can also be used in ornamental plants to change the size or shape of the plant, or to produce a plant with variegated leaves or flowers.

There are several methods of grafting, including cleft grafting, whip and tongue grafting, and budding, among others. The success of the grafting process depends on several factors, including the compatibility of the scion and rootstock, the timing of the grafting, and proper care of the grafted plant after the procedure

🍅 Tomato + Brinjal 

Tomato and brinjal grafting Technique 

Tomato and brinjal (eggplant) grafting is a common horticultural technique used to improve plant vigor, disease resistance, and productivity. The process involves combining the top portion (scion) of a desirable variety of tomato or brinjal with the root system (rootstock) of another plant that has desirable traits, such as disease resistance or tolerance to adverse growing conditions.

The grafting process typically involves the following steps:

Preparation of scion and rootstock: The scion should be a healthy and mature shoot taken from the desired variety of tomato or brinjal. The rootstock should be a young, vigorous plant that has been grown specifically for grafting.

Making the graft: The scion and rootstock are carefully joined at a specific point on the stem. This is done using a splice or tongue-and-groove method, and should be done with precision to ensure a successful union.

Healing and growing: The grafted plant should be kept in a warm and humid environment until the graft has fully healed and begun to grow. This typically takes several days to a week, during which time the grafted plant should be watered and monitored for any signs of stress or disease.

Aftercare: Once the grafted plant has started to grow, it should be treated like any other tomato or brinjal plant. It should be properly watered, fertilized, and protected from pests and diseases.

Grafting can be a complex process that requires precision and experience, but it can also be a highly effective way to improve the health and productivity of tomato and brinjal plants.

🍅 Tomato + Potato 🥔

Tomato-Potato Grafting Info

Tomato and potato grafting is a horticultural technique used to combine the best characteristics of two different plant varieties into one plant. The process involves joining the root system of one plant, called the rootstock, with the above-ground part of another plant, called the scion. In the case of tomato and potato grafting, the rootstock is often a robust and disease-resistant potato plant, while the scion is a tomato plant with desirable fruit characteristics, such as size, flavor, and color.

The grafting process helps to improve the overall health and productivity of the plant. The rootstock provides the grafted plant with a strong and vigorous root system, improving its ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. The scion provides the grafted plant with the desired fruiting characteristics. The combined plant is often more resistant to pests and diseases than either the rootstock or scion would be on their own.

Tomato and potato grafting is typically done in the greenhouse or nursery, and the grafted plants are then transplanted into the field or garden. The process requires some knowledge of plant anatomy and horticultural techniques, so it is usually performed by experienced growers or gardeners.

Overall, tomato and potato grafting is a useful tool for improving the quality and productivity of tomato plants, and can be a fun and rewarding project for experienced gardeners.

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