Second MID : Agriculture Meteorology by AGRI Grovestudies



Section A 

1a.     Temperature inversion is a phenomenon in which the temperature of the atmosphere increases with altitude instead of decreasing, as it normally does. This occurs when a layer of warm air sits on top of a layer of cooler air near the ground. This inversion layer can trap pollutants and other particles close to the ground, leading to poor air quality. Temperature inversions can also affect weather patterns and can cause fog or low clouds to form. They are most common in areas with clear skies and calm winds, such as valleys or coastal regions.

1b.     The adiabatic lapse rate refers to the rate at which the temperature of a parcel of air changes as it rises or descends in the atmosphere without exchanging heat with its surroundings. It is a fundamental concept in meteorology and is used to understand and predict changes in temperature with altitude.

There are two main types of adiabatic lapse rates: the dry adiabatic lapse rate and the saturated adiabatic lapse rate.

Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (DALR):

The dry adiabatic lapse rate is the rate at which the temperature of a parcel of dry air changes as it ascends or descends in the atmosphere. Dry air does not contain significant amounts of water vapor. The average dry adiabatic lapse rate is approximately 9.8 degrees Celsius per kilometer (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit per 1,000 feet).

Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (SALR):

The saturated adiabatic lapse rate is the rate at which the temperature of a saturated parcel of air changes as it ascends or descends in the atmosphere. A saturated parcel of air contains the maximum amount of water vapor it can hold at a given temperature and pressure.

1c.     Daily temperature refers to the fluctuations in temperature that occur over a 24-hour period. These fluctuations are caused by the rotation of the earth and the movement of air masses. During the day, the sun heats up the earth's surface, causing temperatures to rise, while at night, the lack of sunlight causes temperatures to drop.

Seasonal temperature, on the other hand, refers to the average temperature patterns that occur over a longer period of time, typically over a season or several months. These patterns are influenced by factors such as the tilt of the earth's axis, the amount of sunlight received, and the movement of air masses. In general, temperatures are warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter in most regions of the world. However, there can be significant variations in seasonal temperatures depending on location and other factors.

Section B 

2a.     Click to read ....

2b.     The vertical distribution of temperature in the atmosphere is determined by several factors, including solar radiation, the composition of gases, the greenhouse effect, and atmospheric dynamics. Generally, the temperature profile exhibits distinct patterns as we move up through the layers of the atmosphere.

Troposphere: The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere, extending from the Earth's surface up to an average height of about 8-15 kilometers (5-9 miles) depending on location and season. In the troposphere, temperature decreases with increasing altitude at an average rate of 6.5-7 degrees Celsius per kilometer (3.6-3.8 degrees Fahrenheit per 1,000 feet). This decrease in temperature with height is known as the environmental lapse rate and is primarily due to the expansion of air as it rises and the decrease in air density.

Stratosphere: Above the troposphere is the stratosphere, which extends from the top of the troposphere up to an altitude of approximately 50 kilometers (31 miles). In the stratosphere, temperature generally increases with altitude. This increase in temperature is caused by the absorption of solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation by ozone molecules. The absorption of UV radiation heats the stratosphere and creates a stable layer known as the stratopause.

Mesosphere: Beyond the stratosphere is the mesosphere, which extends from approximately 50 kilometers (31 miles) to around 85 kilometers (53 miles) in altitude. In the mesosphere, temperature decreases with increasing altitude. This cooling is primarily a result of decreasing solar heating and the decreasing concentration of molecules as we move higher in the atmosphere.

Thermosphere: Above the mesosphere is the thermosphere, which extends from about 85 kilometers (53 miles) to the outer boundary of the atmosphere. In the thermosphere, temperature increases with height due to the absorption of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray radiation from the Sun. However, it is important to note that the concept of temperature in the thermosphere is different from what we typically understand as "hot" or "cold" because the density of gas particles is extremely low.

The vertical distribution of temperature is not uniform throughout the atmosphere and can be influenced by various factors, including weather patterns, geographical location, time of day, and seasonal variations. In addition, localized variations such as inversions or temperature layers can occur due to atmospheric conditions like radiation inversions, adiabatic processes, or the presence of mountains.

2c.     Dew, fog, mist, and frost are all related to the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere. Each of these phenomena forms under specific conditions and has unique characteristics. Here's a description of their formation:


Dew forms when the surface temperature of objects, such as grass, leaves, or car windshields, cools down during the night. As the temperature drops, these surfaces cool below the dew point temperature, which is the temperature at which the air becomes saturated and unable to hold all of its water vapor. The excess moisture in the air condenses into tiny water droplets on the cooler surfaces, creating dew. Dew formation is most common on clear, calm nights with high humidity.


Fog is a cloud that forms near the ground when moist air cools to its dew point temperature. It typically occurs in low-lying areas or when warm, humid air moves over a cooler surface. There are different types of fog, including radiation fog, advection fog, and upslope fog.

Radiation Fog: Radiation fog forms on clear nights when the Earth's surface cools rapidly, cooling the air near the ground. This causes the air to reach its dew point, resulting in the formation of fog. Radiation fog is common in valleys or areas with high moisture content.

Advection Fog: Advection fog forms when warm, moist air moves over a cooler surface, such as a cold ocean current or a cold landmass. As the warm air cools down, it reaches its dew point and fog forms. Advection fog is often seen along coastal regions.

Upslope Fog: Upslope fog occurs when moist air is forced to rise over elevated terrain, such as mountains. As the air rises, it cools and reaches its dew point, leading to the formation of fog on the windward side of the mountains.


Mist is similar to fog but is less dense and does not reduce visibility as significantly. It often occurs when moist air mixes with cooler air or when warm air rises over a body of water. Mist is typically more localized and does not cover large areas like fog.


Frost forms when the temperature of a surface drops below freezing, causing the water vapor in the air to freeze directly onto the surface. It commonly occurs on cold, clear nights when the temperature is below freezing, and the air is humid. Frost can form delicate ice crystals on objects such as plants, grass, and windows.

2d.     Cloud seeding is a weather modification technique used to enhance precipitation in clouds by introducing seeding agents. These agents can be either natural substances or artificially produced materials that serve as nuclei for cloud droplets or ice crystals to form around. The purpose of cloud seeding is to encourage the formation of larger and more numerous precipitation particles, ultimately increasing the chances of rainfall or snowfall.

The two main types of cloud seeding are warm cloud seeding and cold cloud seeding, which differ based on the temperature of the clouds being targeted:

Warm Cloud Seeding:

Warm cloud seeding is employed when clouds consist predominantly of liquid water droplets and are above the freezing level. The seeding agents used in warm cloud seeding are typically hygroscopic materials, such as salts like sodium chloride (table salt) or potassium iodide. These substances have a high affinity for water, attracting moisture and causing the cloud droplets to grow larger.

When the seeding agent is introduced into the warm cloud, it acts as a condensation nucleus for the surrounding water vapor. This promotes the growth of cloud droplets, leading to coalescence and the formation of larger droplets that are more likely to fall as rain.

Cold Cloud Seeding:

Cold cloud seeding is employed when clouds contain supercooled water droplets at temperatures below freezing. Supercooled water remains in liquid form even below the usual freezing point of water due to the absence of ice nucleating particles.

In cold cloud seeding, the seeding agents are substances known as ice nuclei or ice-forming materials. Common ice nuclei include silver iodide, which has a crystal structure similar to ice and can trigger ice crystal formation at temperatures as low as -10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit). By introducing these ice nuclei into the supercooled cloud, they provide a surface for ice crystals to form, initiating the process of ice growth and precipitation development. The ice crystals can then grow larger through accretion and aggregation, eventually falling as snow or melting into rain as they descend through the cloud.

Section C 

3a.     Atmospheric humidity refers to the amount of water vapor present in the air. It is an essential component of the Earth's atmosphere and plays a crucial role in weather patterns, cloud formation, and the overall water cycle. Humidity is typically expressed as a percentage and is referred to as relative humidity (RH) or specific humidity (SH).

Relative Humidity (RH):

Relative humidity is the most commonly used measure of atmospheric humidity. It represents the amount of moisture in the air relative to the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold at a given temperature. RH is expressed as a percentage and is determined by the ratio of the actual water vapor content in the air to the maximum water vapor capacity at that temperature. High relative humidity indicates that the air is holding a large amount of moisture, while low relative humidity indicates drier conditions.

Specific Humidity (SH):

Specific humidity is a measure of the actual amount of moisture in the air, expressed as the mass of water vapor per unit mass of air. Unlike relative humidity, specific humidity is not dependent on temperature. It represents the absolute moisture content of the air and is commonly used in meteorology and atmospheric science.

Methods to Measure Atmospheric Humidity:

Several instruments and techniques are used to measure atmospheric humidity. Here are a few commonly employed methods:

Hygrometer: A hygrometer is a device specifically designed to measure humidity. It can be based on various principles, including the change in electrical properties, such as resistance or capacitance, due to the absorption of moisture. One common type of hygrometer is a psychrometer, which consists of a wet-bulb thermometer and a dry-bulb thermometer. By comparing the readings of the two thermometers, relative humidity can be calculated.

Dew Point Measurement: Dew point is the temperature at which air becomes saturated and water vapor begins to condense. Measuring the dew point temperature provides an indication of the moisture content in the air. Dew point can be measured using a dew point hygrometer, which utilizes a mirror cooled to a temperature below the dew point. When condensation occurs on the mirror, the temperature is recorded as the dew point.

Gravimetric Method: The gravimetric method involves collecting a sample of air and measuring the mass of water vapor present in the sample. This method requires specialized equipment and involves precise measurements of the moisture content through the weight difference before and after the water vapor is removed.

3b.     Hot and cold injuries are conditions that can occur when the body is exposed to extreme temperatures. Here are the different kinds of hot and cold injuries:

Hot Injuries:

Heat Cramps: Heat cramps are painful muscle contractions or spasms that occur during or after intense physical activity in hot environments. They are caused by electrolyte imbalances, primarily the loss of sodium and dehydration.

Heat Exhaustion: Heat exhaustion is a more severe condition resulting from prolonged exposure to high temperatures and inadequate fluid intake. Symptoms include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, and pale skin. It is often accompanied by dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

Heat Stroke: Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition characterized by a body temperature above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) and an inability to regulate body temperature. It occurs when the body's cooling mechanisms fail, usually due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Heat stroke can lead to organ damage and can be fatal if not treated immediately.

Cold Injuries:

Frostbite: Frostbite occurs when body tissues freeze due to prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures. It commonly affects extremities such as fingers, toes, ears, and the nose. The affected areas may appear pale, cold, and numb. Severe cases can lead to tissue damage, gangrene, and the need for amputation.

Hypothermia: Hypothermia is a condition where the body loses heat faster than it can produce, resulting in a dangerously low body temperature. Symptoms include shivering, confusion, fatigue, slowed heart rate, and loss of coordination. Severe hypothermia can lead to unconsciousness and cardiac arrest, requiring immediate medical attention.

Chilblains: Chilblains are painful, itchy red or purple skin lesions that develop when exposed to cold and damp conditions. They primarily affect the extremities, such as fingers, toes, ears, and nose. Chilblains occur due to abnormal vascular responses to cold temperatures and can cause swelling, inflammation, and blistering.

Trench Foot: Trench foot, also known as immersion foot, is a condition caused by prolonged exposure to wet and cold conditions. It commonly affects the feet and is characterized by redness, swelling, numbness, and a tingling or burning sensation. If left untreated, it can lead to tissue damage and infection

4a.     Precipitation refers to any form of water that falls from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface. It is a crucial part of the Earth's water cycle and includes various types and processes. Here are the main types and processes of precipitation:


Rain is the most common type of precipitation. It occurs when water droplets in clouds combine and grow large enough to fall to the ground. The process begins with the condensation of water vapor into cloud droplets. These droplets collide and coalesce with other droplets to form larger drops, eventually becoming heavy enough to fall as rain.


Snow forms when the temperature in the atmosphere is below freezing (0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit). Water vapor directly changes into ice crystals through a process called deposition. These ice crystals then combine in the clouds to form snowflakes. Snowflakes continue to grow as they fall through the atmosphere and reach the ground in the form of snow.


Sleet occurs when there is a shallow layer of freezing air near the ground, while higher in the atmosphere, there are warmer layers where raindrops form. As rain falls through the cold layer near the surface, it freezes into ice pellets before reaching the ground. Sleet typically bounces when it hits the ground and does not stick together like snow.

Freezing Rain:

Freezing rain is similar to sleet, but the freezing occurs at the surface instead of higher in the atmosphere. It occurs when raindrops fall through a shallow layer of sub-freezing temperatures near the ground and freeze upon contact with cold surfaces, such as roads, trees, or power lines. Freezing rain forms a coating of ice on surfaces, making them slippery and potentially causing damage.


Hail is a type of precipitation that forms within severe thunderstorms. It occurs when updrafts in the storm carry raindrops upward into extremely cold regions of the cloud where they freeze. As the frozen droplets are carried by the updrafts, additional layers of ice accumulate, creating hailstones. When the hailstones become too heavy for the updrafts to support, they fall to the ground.

The process of precipitation involves the following steps:

Evaporation: Water on the Earth's surface, such as in oceans, lakes, or rivers, is heated by the Sun and evaporates, turning into water vapor.

Condensation: Water vapor rises into the atmosphere and cools, leading to condensation. Condensation occurs when water vapor changes back into liquid form, forming cloud droplets or ice crystals.

Cloud Formation: The condensed water vapor forms clouds as the water droplets or ice crystals gather together.

Precipitation: Within the clouds, the water droplets or ice crystals grow in size through collision and coalescence. Eventually, they become heavy enough to overcome the upward air currents and fall to the ground as precipitation.

4b.     The monsoon season holds immense significance for Indian agriculture, as it is a lifeline for the country's agrarian economy. The annual monsoon, characterized by heavy rainfall, plays a pivotal role in determining agricultural productivity, water resources management, and overall food security in India. This essay explores the monsoon phenomenon and its vital importance in Indian agriculture.

Understanding the Monsoon:

The monsoon is a seasonal wind system that brings about significant changes in weather patterns across the Indian subcontinent. It is primarily driven by the differential heating of land and water, which creates low-pressure areas over the Indian Ocean and high-pressure regions over the Indian landmass. The resultant pressure gradient triggers the onset of the monsoon winds, which blow from the southwest in summer (Southwest Monsoon) and from the northeast in winter (Northeast Monsoon).

Importance in Indian Agriculture:

Water Supply:

The monsoon provides the majority of the annual rainfall in India, replenishing water reservoirs, rivers, and groundwater sources. Adequate rainfall during the monsoon season is crucial for filling up reservoirs, replenishing groundwater levels, and ensuring sufficient water supply for irrigation throughout the year. Irrigation is essential for sustaining agricultural production, particularly in regions where the availability of surface water is limited.

Irrigation and Crop Cultivation:

Agriculture in India heavily depends on the monsoon for irrigation. The arrival of the monsoon brings relief to dry and parched lands, enabling farmers to prepare their fields and sow a wide range of crops. The timely and adequate rainfall during the monsoon season ensures optimal soil moisture levels for crop growth and supports the cultivation of various crops, including rice, wheat, pulses, oilseeds, and cotton. A good monsoon season contributes to higher agricultural output and ensures food security for the nation.

Food Production and Rural Economy:

The monsoon's impact on agriculture significantly influences food production and the rural economy. A favorable monsoon season leads to increased crop yields, which not only fulfills domestic food requirements but also contributes to surplus production for export. Higher agricultural output boosts rural income, generates employment opportunities in the agricultural sector, and uplifts the overall rural economy. It also helps in reducing rural-urban migration by providing livelihood opportunities to farmers.

Drought Mitigation:

Conversely, a deficient or delayed monsoon can have severe consequences, including droughts and water scarcity. Droughts can lead to crop failures, reduced yields, and agricultural distress, affecting the livelihoods of farmers and triggering food insecurity. Therefore, the timely arrival and adequate distribution of monsoon rainfall are crucial for mitigating the risk of drought and ensuring agricultural stability.

Crop Diversity:

The monsoon's regularity and predictability allow farmers to plan and cultivate a diverse range of crops, known as mixed cropping or intercropping. Different crops have varying water requirements and growth patterns, and the monsoon's presence provides the necessary moisture for cultivating multiple crops simultaneously. Crop diversity helps in reducing risks associated with pests, diseases, and market fluctuations, thereby enhancing the resilience of the agricultural system.

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