Computer By AGRI Grovestudies


AGRI Grovestudies

What is Computer ? 

A computer is a digital electronic machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Modern computers can perform generic sets of operations known as programs. These programs enable computers to perform a wide range of tasks.

A computer is a programmable electronic device that accepts raw data as input and processes it with a set of instructions (a program) to produce the result as output. It renders output just after performing mathematical and logical operations and can save the output for future use.

Generations of Computers – Computer Fundamentals

First Generation Computers (1940-1956)

Second Generation Computers (1956-1963)

Third Generation Computers (1964-1971)

Fourth Generation Computers (1971-Present)

Fifth Generation Computers (Present and Beyond)

Characteristics of Computer :- 


A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy compared to humans while performing mathematical calculations. Computers can process millions (1,000,000) of instructions per second. The time taken by computers for their operations is microseconds and nanoseconds.


Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy. Errors may occur due to data inconsistency or inaccuracy.


A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same consistency and accuracy. It doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of concentration. Its memory also makes it superior to that of human beings.


Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of works with same accuracy and efficiency.


A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if we give same set of input any number of times, we will get the same result.


Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. it performs tasks without manual intervention.


A computer has built-in memory called primary memory where it stores data. Secondary storage are removable devices such as CDs, pen drives, etc., which are also used to store data.

The major advantage of computers:- 

1. High Speed

One of the reasons for improvement in the quality of life is personal computer's speed. The modern computer offers a great speed, helping us to do our tasks within matter of seconds. Let's say, you want to watch a video. You'll just go to YouTube and find the required video within seconds.

2. Accuracy

Human make errors. Hence, while complex calculations, we check once with the calculator. The fact that computers are extremely accurate makes them quite reliable. You'll trust the information or answer that a calculator gives, just due to its accuracy. 

3. Automation

A lot of tasks can be automated saving a lot of time. For example, instead of manually calculating some values like mean, median of a large dataset, we just use excel. This saves a lot of time ensuring 100% accuracy.

4. Storage

Storage capacity of computer is usually in Giga- Bytes(GBs) or more. We can store videos, images, games, etc. on our computer and access it easily after downloading it. 

5. Ease of Access

Let's say we have to search a book in a library and we don't know anything except the name of the book. It would be an arduous task. But, in a computer, just type the name of the file and voila! This ease of access provided by our personal computer contributes towards saving our time and efforts.

6. Multitasking

Multitasking means working on multiple tasks simultaneously. Suppose you read an article online and you need to write down the meanings of the words that are unfamiliar. You, then search on Google, note down the meaning on a word file and continue reading the article. This is one example of multitasking offered by computers.

7. Better understanding of data

A computer supports lot of tools for data analysis and mining. Organizations make use of this benefit of computers to support data analysis and visualization helpful for decision making.

8. Reduced Cost for Online Ventures

Affordable Computers and Laptops with internet connectivity are a boon for start-ups that function online. It lowers the cost by reducing infrastructure, inventory and rent expenses. Just they need a team with laptops and internet connectivity with a software license relevant to their industry. 

Disadvantages of Computers

Computers are great tools, but they have their disadvantages too. They can be slow, unreliable, and expensive. They also require constant maintenance and upgrades.

1. Online Cyber-Crimes

As with any device, cyber-crimes occur in computers. Data stealing is one of the major threats in the world of computers. It may occur online or via offline removable device like that of a USB.

2. Health-Issues

Prolonged use of personal computers result in many health related issues. Eye strain, headache, back pain, etc. are some of them.

3. Fake News

Computers enable a wide array of data sharing options. But, this becomes a medium for spread of spurious news. Many cases are there when fake news is shared among people using messaging apps.

4. E- waste

After the use of computers, it is nothing but a form of e-waste. This contributes negatively by releasing harmful toxic materials. 

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