Soil water & Conservation by AGRI Grovestudies


 AGRI Grovestudies 

Soil Conservation -

It is defiend as the control of soil erosion. 

In order to maintain agriculture productivity.

In oth word soil erosion is defiend as a process of detachement transport fusion sediments of soil particle. 

Sediment :- 

It is defiend as any fragmental material which is transported or deposited by water Ice, air or any other natural agent. 
some land degradation problem due to sedimantaion. 

Erosion by wind & water. 

Formation of Gullies & Ravines. 
Water Logging 
Flood and Drought 
Saline soil 
including coastal areas
Shifting Cultivation 

Casues of soil erosion 

1. Destruction of natural protective cover 

2. Cultivationof trees 

3. Overgrazzing of vegetative cover, forest fire. 

Improper use of land. 

Keeping the land barren subjecting it to action of rain and wind

Growing of crop that accelerate soil erosion 

removal of organic matter and plant nutrition by improper cropping pattern. 

Cultivation along the land flow. 

Faculty method of Irrigation. 

Types of Soil erosion - -

According to origin - 

Geographical erosion 

Accelerate erosion 

According to erosion agent 

i. water 

ii. wind

ii. Glacier erosion 

iv. Gravitaional erosion 

Water Erosion - 

i. rain Drop erosion 

ii. Sheet erosion 

iii. Rill erosion

iv. Gullil Erosion 

v. Stream Erosion 

Factor effecting soil - 

i. Climate factor 

ii. Temperature 

iii. Topographical Factor 

iv. Biological Factor 

Mechanism of Soil erosion - 

Form of water erosion - 

i. Hydrolic Action 

ii. Abrasion 

iii. Solution Suspension 

iv. Transportaion 

Factor of affecting water erosion - 

i. Climate factor 

ii. Vegetation Cover 

iii Topographic effect 

Types of Water erosion - 

i. Sttash Erosion (rain drop) 

ii. Sheet erosion

iii. Rill erosion 

iv. Gully erosion 

v. Sea saw erosion 

vi. land side erosion 

vii. Stream bund erosion

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