NABARD details and History by AGRI Grovestudies



AGRI Grovestudies                                                                     



( National Bank for Agriculture and rural development )


NABARD is an apex development bank in India having headquarters based in Mumbai (Maharashtra) and other branches and all over the country.

It is an apex development Bank authorized for providing and regulating credit and other facilities for the promotion and development of agriculture, small – scale industries , cottage and village industries , handicrafts and other rural crafts and other allied economic activities in rural areas with  a view to promote integrated rural development and prosperity.

The committee to review arrangements for institutional credit for agriculture and rural development, ( CRAFICARD ) , set up by the Reserve bank of India ( RBI ) under the chairmanship of shri B. Sivaraman , conceived and recommended the establishment of the National bank for agriculture and rural development (NABARD ). 

It was established on 12th July 1982 by a special act by the parliament and its main focus was to uplift rural India by increasing and rural non farm sectors.

It has been accredited with a matters concerning policy, planning and operations in the field of credit for agriculture and other economic activities in rural areas in India.

History :-

Reserve bank of India (RBI) , constituted a committee to review the arrangement for institutional credit for agriculture and rural development (CRAFICARD) on 30 March 1979, under the chairman ship of  Shri B. Sivaraman , former members of planning commission , government of India to review the arrangements for institutional credit for agriculture and rural development. He recommended the establishment of the National Bank for Agriculture and rural Development (NABARD). 

NABARD was established with an initial capital of 100cr., and on 12th July1892 by a special act parliament 1981, by transferring the agricultural credit functions of RBI.

Board of Management :-

·       The board of management is represented by the RBI, government of India, state Government and other institutions.

·       Apart from MD and chairman , the Board of Management consists of 13 other directors and these directors will act as “ aAdvisory council” of NABARD. The act of 13-directors of Advisory council.

·       à 2 are experts of Co-operations.

·       à 3 are representatives of commercial banks.

·       à 3 are the officials of government of India

·       à 2 are officials belong to state government.

Capital source of NABARD :-

            Authorized source of capital of NABARD is RS. 500 cr. Equally contributed by Govt. of India and RBI and issued and paid up capital of Rs. 100 cr.

The subscribed and paid up capital as of March 2015 is Rs 5000cr. Out of which control government has contributed 4980 cr. And RBI 20 br. Was granted by RBI.

Government of India holds 99% state and RBI holds 1% state in NABARD.

Other sources are :-

            Borrowings from government of India (GOI) and any Institution approved by GOI.

Borrowing from RBI

Deposits from state government and social authorities, gifts and grants received.

Objectives of NABARD :-

·       NABARD provides refinance assistance for agriculture promoting rural development activities. It also provides all necessary finance and assistance to small scale industries.

·       NABARD in coordination with the state government provide agriculture.

·       It improves small and minor irrigation by way of promoting agricultural activities.

·       NABARD promotes various organization involved in agricultural production by contributing to their capital.


The objects of NABARD can be brought under three major heads :-

1.     Credit function

2.     Development function

3.     Promotional function








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