Mutant and Toxic Varieties by AGRi Grovestudies


 AGRI Grovestudies 


Mutant varieties

Crop                -                   Mutant variety

1.    Mango         -                   Rossica

2.    Rice             -                   Prabhavati , Jagarnath

3.    Pea              -                   Hans

4.    Tobacco       -                   Bhavya , Jiashree

5.    Wheat          -                  sarbati , sonara

6.    Chick pea    -                   BGM – 48 , BGM – 413

7.    Pigeon pea   -                   trombey , Vishakha 1

8.    Cotton          -                   MCU-7 , MCU – 10

9.    Papaya         -                   pusa nanha ( dwarf variety )

(high Production  )

    10.  Turmeric   -                   BSR -1

     11. Coffee          -                   Knet , sunroman

     12.  Pineapple    -                   Kew

     13. Castor          -                  Aruna  


On the basis of toxicity –

1.    Cotton          -         Gossypol

2.    Sunflower    -         Gulcocinlatus

3.    Soya bean    -         Tripsin , guitrogen

4.    Piegon pea  -         tipsin

5.    Ground Nut -         Aflatoxin

6.    Lucern         -         saponin

7.    Sorghum      -         HCN , durin

8.    Rapeseed / mustard – Glucocinlatus , erusic acid

9.    Mango        -         rasin

     10. Pearl millet / Napier grass  --   Oxalic acid

     11.  Safflower -  Polly-phenolics

12.  Cassava      -         Glucocides

13. Neem           -         Azadiractin

14. Lethyrus      -         Neuro – toxin

15. Potato          -         Steroids , alkalodes

16.  Oat              -         NO2

17.  Sweet clover --     Cumarin

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