What Plant Pathology Objective , Importance and Plant Disease by Grovestudies (Part01)

 Agri Grovestudies 

What is Plant pathology ? 

Plant pathology is the science that studies the causes of plant diseases, the mechanisms by which diseases develop in individual plants and in plant populations, and the ways and means by which plant diseases can be managed or controlled.


Pathogen is an entity usually a microorganism that can inside the susceptable plant it is also referred as incident are caused agent or organisms.

Plant Disease

Plant disease it is the manufacturing of host cell and the tissue that result from continuous irritation by pathogenic lead to plants.
 It can be external or internal of a result in disease.

Objective of plant pathology:- 

To study abiotic and biotic form is a biotic (non living or living).
Cause of disease or disorder.

To study mechanism of disease developed by pathogen.

To study plant host + pathogen interaction in relation to environment.

To develop method of management of control of plant disease.

Importance of plant pathogen :- 

Plant disease caused by microorganism or para amount important to humans because they damage plant and plant product on which human depend for food clothing furniture and housing.

Plant disease the reduce the amount and quality and quantity production of plant.

Result in increase wheat burn disease caused by tilltia species.

Result in increase of product to consumer.

Result in severe pathological effect on human and animals that they eat plant products.

Destroyed a beauty environment by damaging of plant around home straight forest and plant.

The pesticides used to control the disease pollute water and environment.

Reduce the crop yield.

Financial losses (the money spend for plant products chemicals).

Changing agriculture pattern.

Some plant even change food habit of human population.

Example of serious disease of that lead for famine :- 

Iris famine :- 1845 

 late blight, disease that destroy both leave and the edible roots or tubers of the potato plant.

Bengal famine :- 1942 

- caused by dipoleries origzae (West Bengal)
Brown spot caused by a fungus that infect rice plant killing large area of affected leaves.

Coffee rust :- 1868 

- Hemileia Vastatrix (Sri Lanka) 
Small yellowish oily spot on upper leaf surface that expand into Larger round spot that turn bright Orange to Red and finally brown with yellow border.

Wheat rust - 1940

- it is caused by fungus Puccinia Triticina.

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