Seed Science, Purity and Dicot and Monocot by AGRI Grovestudies


GroveStudies Production:

Seed Science 

Seed science is the study of the structure and development of seeds from the moment of fertilization of the egg cell on the maternal plant until formation of a new plant from the seed.

What is Seed ?

the small hard part of a plant from which a new plant of the same kind can grow

What is physical Purity of Seed ?

Physical purity analysis tells us the proportion of pure seed component in the seed lot as well as the proportion of other crop seed, weed seed and inert matter by weight in percentage for which Seed Standards have been prescribed.

What is Genetic Purity of Seed !?

Genetic purity refers to how genetically pure a seed sample is in terms of seed variety or species and how true the phenotype is to its mother at all stages of reproduction. Genetic purity is used to maintain a variety from generation to generation, and in the management of genetic resources e.g. in genebanks.

Difference Seed and Grains ?

A grain is a small edible fruit harvested from grassy crops that is usually hard on the outside. A seed is an embryonic plant covered in a seed coat that often contains some food.

Dicot and Monocot ?

A monocot, which an abbreviation for monocotyledon, will have only one cotyledon.

A dicot, or dicotyledon, will have two cotyledons.


A part inside a seed that looks like a small leaf, which the developing plant uses as a store of food. Cotyledons are the first parts of the seed to appear above the ground when it begins to grow.

Epigeal and H

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