Farm Machinery 2nd Mid Test Solution by AGRI Grovestudies


AGRI Grovestudies 

Section A

1a.         Tilt angle: It is the angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the disc is inclined to a vertical line. The tilt angle varies from 15° to 25° for a good plough.

1b.         Concavity: It is the depth measured at the centre of the disc by placing its concave side on a flat surface

1c.          Some condition where we use disc plough are as follows :

  A disc plough can be forced to penetrate into the soil which is too hard and dry for working with a mouldboard plough.

  It works well in sticky soils in which a mouldboard plough does not scour.

It is more useful for deep ploughing.

It can be used safely in rough, stony and stumpy soils without much danger of breakage.

A disc plough works well even after a considerable part of the disc is worn out in abrasive soils.

It works well in loose soils also (such as peat) without much clogging.


Section B

2a.         Different Types of share used in Mould board plough such as i) Slip share ii) Slip nose share iii) Shin share and iv) Bar point share.

Slip share: It is one piece share with curved cutting edge, having no additional part. It is a common type of share, mostly used by the farmers. It is simple in design, but it has got the disadvantage that the entire share has to be replaced if it is worn out due to constant use . 

Slip nose share: It is a share in which the point of share is provided by a small detachable piece. It has the advantage that the share point can be replaced as and when required. If the point is worn out, it can be changed with a new nose without replacing the entire share, effecting considerable economy.

 Shin share: It is the share having a shin as an additional part. It is similar to the slip share with the difference that an extension is provided to it by the side of the mouldboard.

Bar point share: It is the share in which the point of the share is provided by an adjustable and replaceable iron bar. This bar serves the purpose of share point and land side of the plough.

2b.         OFF-SET DISC HARROW :- Offset disk harrow has one right-hand gang (throwing the soil to the right) and one left – hand gang (throwing the soil to the left), operating in tandem. The harrow is given this name because the harrow can be operated in offset position in relation to the tractor. A change in hitch can cause the harrow to run either to the left or right of the tractor. It is possible to operate the harrow under limbs , near trees in an orchard.

2c.          WHEEL TRACTOR Components

 1. I.C Engine

 2. Clutch

 3. Transmission gears

 4. Differential unit

 5. Final drive

 6. Real wheel

 7. Front wheels

 8. Steering mechanism

 9. Hydraulic control and hitch system

 10. Brakes

 11. Power-take-off unit

 12. Tractor pulley

 13. Draw bar

 14. Control panel


2d.         Numerical Update soon …………………………!!!


Section C

3a.         power transmission system of a tractor) Transmission is a speed reducing mechanism, equipped with several gears. It may be called a sequence of gears and shafts, through which the engine power is transmitted to the tractor wheels.

 The system consists of various devices, which cause forward and backward movement of tractor to suit different field conditions.

The complete path of power from engine to wheel is called power train Functions of power transmission system

 1. To transmit power from the engine to the rear wheels of the tractor

 2. To make reduced speed available, to rear wheels of the tractor

 3. To alter the ratio of wheel speed and engine speed in order to suit the field conditions

 4. To transmit power through right angle drive, because the crankshaft and rear axle are normally at right angles to each other.

 The power transmission system consists of :

 1. Clutch

 2. Transmission gears

 3. Differential

 4. Final drive

 5. Rear axle

 6. Rear wheels


3b.         ROTARY TILLER The rotary tiller or rotary cultivator is widely considered as the most important implement as it provides fine degree of soil pulverization. It is directly mounted to the tractor and operated. The rotor is The benefits of the rotary tiller are a) effective pulverization of soil ensures good plant growth b) cutting and mixing of stubbles and roots and mixing with soil and c) leveling of the field.

The functional components include, rotor fitted with L shaped steel blades (36 – 48 Nos.), gear box, power shaft, sprocket - chain drive, universal joint, leveling board, shield, depth control arrangement, and three point hitching provision. The power from the tractor engine is transmitted to the rotary tiller( rotavator) through PTO (Power Take Off) of the tractor.

A leveling board is attached to the rear side of the unit for leveling the tilled soil. Two numbers of adjustable brackets are provided one each on either side of the unit for controlling the depth of operation. The rotor is operated at 180- 200 rpm


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